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Golden Age Crochet

Golden Age Crochet

Hello there!

I'm Noreena, and together with my husband, we're the folks behind Golden Age Crochet & Golden Age Arcade Parts.

Our little village of Tahsis, nestled on the west coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada, is home to around 200 people. This place is not only the birthplace of British Columbia but also where you might catch a glimpse of deer, elk, bears, cougars, wolves, and yes, maybe even Bigfoot! Living on the very west coast of Canada means we're surrounded by the ocean and lucky enough to witness orcas, sea lions, and a whole host of other incredible creatures.

What initially began as micro crochet has evolved into something much "Bigger". Working with tiny hooks eventually led me to start making my own handles. While they may not be flawless, each and every one is handmade, not churned out by a machine somewhere. That's what makes them so special and something you can cherish for years – they were made just for you!

We're currently in the process of setting up pages that will allow you to order premade crochet needles or create a custom order by selecting your preferred options. For now, I kindly ask that you reach out to me via email or the contact form.

You can email me at

Thank you very much!



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